Ever feel like trading yourself in for a new model

Released on = March 5, 2006, 5:59 pm

Press Release Author = Won\'t Be Denied Apparel

Industry = Apparel & Fashion

Press Release Summary = Often, the "knock" you develop - doubt, fear, voiceless- may
be corrected as simply as putting on a shirt.

Press Release Body = Some of us take more care of our cars or televisions than
ourselves. The slightest knock sends us to the mechanic. A flutter of the screen
has us phoning the electronic expert.

Doesn't it seem to be common sense to give the same care to our most precious
possession of all - our bodies?

Cars, televisions can be traded in. But you can't trade yourself in for a newer
model. You can't buy a new set of nerves, a head, or a stomach.

Before you say, "Eric should read this, "STOP! This message is for YOU! You may be
guilty of the same symptoms you see in others. . .

Often, the "knock" you develop - doubt, fear, voiceless- may be corrected as simply
as putting on a shirt.

Your psychologist, your pastor, or mentor would tell you - for some people - one of
the worst offenders against the delicate heart is the self-talk.

The use of this strong misused stimulant day after day may make you remain captive
in the four walls of your mind, hard to live with. However, if you are victim to
this state of mind, here's what you can do.

Wear Won't Be Denied Apparel, that is transcending change through its t-shirts with
strong statements - Instant Action.

There isn't a demeaning, doubtful, or uncertain statement printed on these tees
because they are made to bring forth the movement with you.

You owe it yourself and your family to wear one of these transforming t-shirts this
coming spring and summer. Then, if you don't feel empowered. . . act empowered. . .
look confident. . . treated differently. . . we'll post your comment on our website
for 14 days! Just send your comments or feedback with your name and email to

WBD Apparel, established to bring forth the movement within you. Visit
www.wontbedenied.com to learn more about this apparel and the launching.

Won't Be Denied is a registered Trademark. All Rights Reserved.

Web Site = http://www.wontbedenied.com

Contact Details = P.O. Box 920622
Norcross, GA 30010

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